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Consider the Tropical Rainforest for your next Meeting, Conference, or Course

SVL conference room and trail

Is your company, department, or association looking for a convenient place to meet? Do you need a place to gather your course students where they can learn in the field while close in proximity to many other sites? Do you want your meeting or conference to be meaningful and memorable? Consider Selva Verde Lodge & Private Reserve.


Selva Verde is a unique location that will offer a memorable experience for any group. The lodge offers an excellent venue for organizations of all kinds that would like to combine its regular meeting or conference facilities with amazing opportunities to explore the rainforest, take part in adventure or team-building exercises, or participate in cultural exchange or service projects.

Selva Verde has a large, air-conditioned conference room that holds up to 200 people as well as a smaller conference room for 40 people that is screened in with ceiling fans. There is AV equipment available as well as coffee breaks, private meal services upon request, and an array of activities such as rainforest hikes, rafting, canopy zip lining, and more.

SVL conference room

For student programs, Selva Verde has long been a preferred site for educator-led short courses. The lodge offers its ideal location for access to the grounds and the reserve for learning and research. The grounds and secondary forest trails are free and open at all times. The primary forest reserve can be accessed with a guide (special pricing for student groups). Other reserves in the area such as La Selva and Tirimbina are also great options for visits. Additionally, the lodge is closely linked with the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center (located on the lodge grounds), a library, computer center and educational and cultural space and an excellent resource for sociocultural study needs.

SVL trail by Carlos FernandezCosta Rica has airline service for a multitude of airlines from many gateways. It may be as affordable to meet in the rainforest as it would be to meet in a city in the US or Canada. Selva Verde can also arrange for local activities, guide services as needed, and transportation to and from San José. For more information about having your conference or course at Selva Verde Lodge & Private Reserve, please contact Marco Gasparoli at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Fran Whitlock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Written by : Christopher Bensley