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   +506-2761-1800 Costa Rica & other countries



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+506-2761-1800 Costa Rica & other countries

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Our Community


Selva Verde Lodge is surrounded by one of the most vibrant communities in Costa Rica. Located at the junction of Puerto Viejo and Sarapiquí rivers, the area has been a favorite destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers. Once you enter the area, it is not hard to understand why it is regarded as one of the most beautiful places in Costa Rica. The area is very close to several protected zones such as Braulio Carrillo National Park and La Selva Biological Station.


SCLCSarapiquí Conservation Learning Center, founded in 1993. THE SARAPIQUÍ CONSERVATION LEARNING CENTER (SCLC)

The Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center (SCLC) was founded in 1993 by the Holbrook family and Selva Verde Lodge. Today it is a fully independent US and Costa Rica registered non-profit organization. The SCLC’s mission is to link communities and conservation through education and ecotourism in the Sarapiquí region. The SCLC offers community programs such as English classes, computer literacy, environmental education and after-school activities. By offering local residents opportunities to improve their job prospects, the SCLC hopes the population is able to cultivate more sustainable occupations to improve their job prospects. 


selvaverde small 23 Tourism transportation by boat, Sarapiquí RiverABOUT SARAPIQUÍ

The Sarapiquí region of Costa Rica is in close proximity to some of the most exciting destinations in Costa Rica. Sarapiquí is the tenth Canton of the province of Heredia and it is by far the largest, comprising almost three quarters of the entire province. Sarapiquí has a population of 55,000 and five districts: Puerto Viejo, La Virgen, Horquetas, Llanuras del Gaspar and Cureña. Sarapiquí is largely agricultural with a network of important waterways such as El Angel waterfall, La Paz Waterfall, El Congo lagoon, and the Sarapiquí River.



foto miti 086 300x200Water dog or Nutria, Sarapiquí River A PLACE TO EXPLORE AND LEARN

Sarapiquí is also a gateway to many outstanding locations such as the Poás Volcano, along the ranges to the southwest, and Tortuguero National Park, further to the east on the Caribbean coast. Selva Verde provides an extensive collection of activities from the lodge. Sarapiquí offers 6 of the 8 tourism categories established by the Costa Rican Tourist Board: traditional tours, natural history tours, adventure activities, sport fishing, elder tours, and bird watching tours. Its varied landscapes contain tremendous biodiversity; with 3000 species of plants, 398 species of birds, 450 species of ants, and 69 species of mammals, among many others.