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The III Amphibian and Reptile Conservation International Symposium and Field Exploration September 22-25, 2016

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Experience four days and three nights in Costa Rica—home to 5% of the world’s biodiversity — trip to one of the herpetology hot spots of Central America. The III Amphibian and Reptiles Conservation International Symposium and Field Exploration (first called The Costa Rican International Herpetological Symposium) will be held September 22-25, 2016, at Selva Verde Lodge & Rainforest Reserve in Sarapiquí, located amidst primary forest in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. Though small in geographic area, Costa Rica has one of the highest densities of herpetofauna in the world with more than 440 species of reptiles and amphibians.

The  symposium  will  feature  presentations  and  workshops  about  conservation  and  herpetology  by organizations  and  individuals. Come  and  learn  about  new  findings  and  research  from  all over  the Americas  and  beyond, or  see  how  you  can  share  your  own  work  with  conference  participants.


Join  us  for  an exchange  of  knowledge, learning, and  enjoyment  of  Costa Rican  herpetology  at  its best, and  outline  the  importance  of  biology  and  ecotourism  in  neotropic  ecosystems.

• Join  Mark  O’Shea,  famous   herpetology   researcher,  photographer   and   documentary   expert,    Hinrich Kaiser,  one  of  the  top  representatives   of   integrative   taxonomy  and  professor  of  field  herpetology,   Ray  Morgan director  and  producer   of   the  Venom   Interviewes,  Federico  Bolaños leading  Costarican  herpetologist,  Abel Batista, leading  Panamanian  herpetologist,  and  César  Barrio-Amoros,    taxonomist    and  herpetology    tropical    explorer    for    lectures    and field    expeditions.

•Enjoy  four  days  and  3  nights   of  conferences and field trips to observe reptiles  and amphibians  in  their natural habitat.

•Investigate  the  impressive  natural  history of the  Sarapiquí  River on a tropical safari while searching  for crocodiles, turtles, basilisk and   iguanas.


Written by : Administrator