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SCLC Update - On a Mission

The SCLC is ON A MISSION - News Update

SCLCWhen you experience Selva Verde, you don’t want to miss a trip next door to the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center (SCLC). With the mission to link communities and conservation through education and ecotourism in the Sarapiquí region, SCLC continues to thrive! SCLC programs include environmental education, rural tourism activities, English classes, community outreach, women’s groups, and scholarship funds for high school students. Programs are run by international volunteers and community members and serve hundreds of local people and thousands of ecotourists each year.

What’s New at SCLC:

  • The SCLC library reaches the 3,000 mark – With over three thousand volumes of high quality books, residents and visitors have access to information to learn. The library also has magazines, games, reference and audiovisual material for the community – and access to the digital library at the national level
  • Stepping up Reading Workshops – The “Mobil Library” program is growing, with reading workshops that take place in 5 sessions for families in local communities. At the conclusion, families visit the public library to receive a book of their own, as well as a certificate for their commitment to learning through reading. The next program is with our local Chilamate School.
  • 15 new computers at the Intelligent Center – SCLC has a local computer and technology center, officially an “Intelligent Center,” part of the national program to provide digital access in rural communities. Participants earn a certificate that helps to enter the job market. With the new computers, courses will include online courses, a program for the blind, and an ongoing Music Education Program.
  • Ukeleles & Music Courses – A donation of 20 Ukeleles have provided Ukelele courses, now with weekly classes for five communities; Puerto Viejo, Chilamate, Los Lirios, Llano Grande and Corazón de Jesús. About 95 children, youth, and adults enjoy these classes!
  • Tracking reforestation for the San Juan-La Selva Biological Corridor – A new database project is recording the mission is conservation in the critical migration corridor connecting Braulio Carrillo National Park and the Maquenque Wildlife Refuge. Our data shows we have planted 941 native trees since 2014 that contribute to the environment in many ways such producing oxygen, eliminating carbon dioxide, and providing food and habitat for wildlife!
  • English Classes continue to be a vital tool for community development - The first semester in 2017 had 51 child, youth, and adult students enrolled in our English as a Foreign Language classes at beginning, intermediate and advanced levels - giving students work in the local tourism industry and beyond!

We need your support to continue ...

This year has surprised us in a challenging way and we don’t want to have to make cuts to survive the short-term. Please consider making a donation of $100 or more.  With your donation we are able to support the administration and operation of the Center to fund classes, programs, events, and everything the Center’s tiny staff accomplishes. Your donation goes directly to the Sarapiquí community.

With each $100 tax-deductible donation we receive, in return you will get via email a certificate to print out and keep for your records or to give to someone to let them know you are supporting community development in Costa Rica in their name.

Go to www.networkforgood.com and search for Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Institute, then follow the steps to make your tax-deductible donation with your credit card. Be sure to include at least your email so we can send you your certificate.


Written by : Administrator