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The Learning Center Turns 30!

SCLC30If you’ve been to Selva Verde Lodge you may well know about the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center, commonly known as the Learning Center. Perhaps you enjoyed a charla or visit with a local community member at their home during a trip with Road Scholar, or perhaps you planted a tree at a local farm while visiting with your high school.



For those who are not familiar with the Learning Center, it is a non-profit association started in 1993 by the first manager of Selva Verde Lodge, Bertha Carter, the founder of Selva Verde Lodge, Giovanna Holbrook, and other volunteers. Today, the Center is a library, a computer center, and so much more. Its mission is to empower the community through access to information and learning to support sustainable ways of life for Sarapiquí. This year, the Learning Center turns 30 years old and, on October 28th, it will be celebrating that event by inviting the community as well as past volunteers, staff, and friends to commemorate this occasion. If you are interested in more details about the celebration in late October and possibly attending and also enjoying a visit to Sarapiquí and Selva Verde, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We welcome visitors and friends for this event, especially former volunteers of the Center.


Written by : Maria Ramirez