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Sarapiqui Christmas Bird Count 2020

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The 2020 Christmas Bird Count in Sarapiqui took place on December 19, 2020.  This local Christmas bird count began in 1985. It has an area of 452 square km. In this first count, 290 species and 5,792 individuals were reported. The central point of the circle, whose radius is 12 km., Is from Magsasay Post, 2.7 km to the South on the Peje River.

The 2020 Christmas Bird Count event included the participation of expert observers. Rainy weather in the morning and favorable in the afternoon allowed to see a total of 342 species and 10,729 individuals in the entire counting circle. Due to Covid19, this year 7 routes were not included and the number of counters in the groups was reduced following the protocols to avoid contagion. Two new species are added to the list: Geothlypis tolmiei (MacGillivray's Warbler), Sporophila minuta (Ruddy-breasted Seedeater) these species were observed on routes outside La Selva; reaching a total of 541 species accumulated in all counts.

With a total of 74 national and foreign participants representing various institutions. 19 groups were organized to travel various routes established within La Selva, on the Puerto Viejo and Sarapiquí rivers, shelters and shelters such as: Puesto Ceibo and Albergue 1070 in PN Braulio Carrillo, Selva Tica, Rara Avis, La Tirimbina, Bijagual, Lapa Verde, Selva Verde and the roads around the Station.

The effort of all these participants represents a total of 204 hours of observation and 324 kilometers traveled on foot, by car and by boat. Thanks to your dedication to birds and the collaboration of all of you, we have managed to reach the thirty-sixth count, allowing us to be part of one of the oldest in the Neotropics, and thus form part of a database of immense value for the conservation of our tropical birds.

COORDINATORS: Orlando Vargas, Enrique Castro, Joel Alvarado
CONTRIBUTORS :, James Zook, Kenneth Alfaro, Marisol Luna
Next Count - Saturday, December 18, 2021.

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Written by : Christopher Bensley